The game board represents a land once ruled by a powerful wizard. The wizard
is now dead, but legend has it that if anyone can make their way through the
perils of the various regions and discover the wizard's Crown of Command, they
will be granted the power to become ruler of the land. It is this legend that
has drawn here the various adventurers, each of whom seeks the Crown.
You are one of the adventurers, and you will meet powerful enemies, discover
friends and magical objects, and meet strange beings on your journey. Finally,
when you have gained sufficient power, you can cross the last and most dangerous
region to secure the Crown of Command. But no matter how powerful you have
become, your journey will have been in vain unless you have first found the
The board depicts the magic lands. It is divided into three Regions.
Each region is sub-divided into Spaces. Each Space has its title (in
colour) and Encounter instructions (in black) printed along its edge. The three
Regions are:
This runs around the edge of the board and has green edging.
This is separated from the Outer Region by the Storm River and the Inner
Region by the Fire Mountains. It is edged in blue.
This is in the centre of the board. It is edged in buff.
These detail the various Events, Enemies, Strangers, Followers, Magic
Objects, Objects, and Places that will be Encountered in the various
Spaces during the game.
These detail the various Spells that may be cast during the
The Character Cards detail the different Characters in the game and their
Special Abilities. The Playing Piece Cards bear the illustrations of the
Character they represent on each side. The Playing Piece Cards will slot into
the plastic bases provided and will be used to represent the various Characters
on the board.
Characters may be turned into Toads during the game. When this happens, a
Toad Card is substituted for that Character's Playing Piece Card.
These detail Objects that players may obtain by means other than the
Adventure Cards.
These should be separated into individual counters. They are used to record
each Character's Strength (red counters), Craft (blue), Lives (green) and Gold
(Yellow). The different denominations are simply to make play easier. For
example, a red counter bearing a 4 represents 4 Strength points.
These have Evil on one side and Good on the other. They are used to denote
any Character that changes Alignment during the game.
This is used for Movement, Combat, Psychic Combat and also to determine
results from some instructions and Spells. Where it is required to roll more
than one die, the die should be rolled that number of times and the results
********SETTING UP********
Shuffle the Character Cards and deal one, face down, to each player. (If all
players agree, each. Player may select which Character they wish to play for
that game.) Each player then turns their Character Card face up in front of
them. This is the Character that they will play for that game. The diagram below
details the information on each Character Card, it also shows how to lay out the
Character and record all possessions during play.
Each player takes the Playing Piece Card corresponding to their Character
Card and fits it into a plastic base. The Playing Pieces are then placed on the
board according to the Starting Space on their Character Cards.
Each player receives Strength Counters equal to the Starting Strength for
their Character. These should be placed alongside the Character Card as
described above. The same is done for Craft. Each player receives a total of 4
Lives and 1 Gold each which should be placed accordingly. The remaining Counters
are placed to one side as stock for use during the game.
The Adventure Cards are shuffled and placed face down beside the board. These
form the Adventure Stock Pile.
The Spell Cards are shuffled and placed face down beside the board. These
form the Spell Stock Pile.
Any player who has a Character who starts the game with any Spells as
detailed on their Special Abilities, now draws the designated number from the
Spell Stock Pile. These should not be revealed to the other players.
The Talisman and Purchase Cards are placed face up beside the board in
individual piles according to the Object depicted on them. That is all Helmets
in one pile, Shields in another, etc.
The Toad and Alignment Change Cards are kept handy to be used when
Players decide by dicing or any other means which player will have the first
Turn. Play will then proceed round the board clockwise from that player.
********BRIEF OUTLINE OF PLAY********
Each player will control a different Character. Each Character has certain
unique Special Abilities that can be used during the game. The Characters will
move around the board, usually by the roll of the die but sometimes by the use
of Spells or as the result of strange beings and places that they have
discovered. Having moved, Characters can then encounter another Character in the
space they land in or follow the instructions on the space. The instructions are
often to draw cards. These are the Adventure Cards which depict all the Objects,
Monsters and other things that the Character meets in the space. Characters then
fight the monster and take the treasures they discover. Gradually they will
become more powerful, until they feel that they are strong enough to head for
the centre of the board to try and reach the Crown of Command.
Play is quite straightforward. The rules should be read carefully, since with
the different Spells, Adventure Cards and Special Abilities of the Characters
there is a great variety of instances to be covered. The rules are presented
roughly in the sequence that they will be needed during play. Where there are
other rules relating to the same point, the number of the other rule(s) is given
in brackets as a cross-reference.
The object of the game is to reach the Crown of Command in the centre of the
board and then, by casting the Command Spells, force the other players out of
the game. Players should first adventure in the Outer and Middle Regions to
build up their Strength/Craft/Lives until they are powerful enough to tackle the
Inner Region. They must also first find a Talisman to permit them to enter the
Valley of Fire and so reach the Crown of Command.
Strength represents a Character's strength, stamina and fighting ability. It
is used in Combat (16:1-10) and to overcome certain obstacles that may be
Encountered during the game. A Character's Strength is recorded by placing
appropriate Strength Counters beside the Character Card.
1:1 Strength Counters are only taken for Starting Strength and for Strength
points gained during play. Strength gained from Objects, Magic Objects, or
Followers is not recorded by Strength Counters but is added on to the
Character's Strength when required or allowed.
1:2 When a Character is required to lose Strength, Counters are removed
1:3 A Character's Strength can never drop below that Character's Starting
1:4 A Character may gain Strength by cashing in any Animals, Monsters, and
Dragons (15:5) he has killed in Combat. When any of these are Encounters and
killed, that Character keeps those Enemy cards. They may be exchanged at any
time for extra Strength Counters. The Character gains 1 Strength point for every
7 points of Strength marked on the Enemy cards. Those Enemy cards exchanged are
then placed on the Adventure Discard Pile. Excess Strength Points of the Enemies
above a multiple of 7 are lost.
1:5 Strength points may also be gained as a result of Encounters.
1:6 A character's Strength at any time is the total of Strength Counters
PLUS any Strength from Followers, Magic Objects and Objects that may be
used at that time.
The Warrior has a total of 5 Strength Counters, the Magic Belt (a Magic
Object that increases Strength by 1), the Unicorn (a Follower that increases
Strength by 1) and a Sword (an Object which increase Strength by 1 in Combat
only). So his total Strength is 7 (5 plus 1 for the Unicorn and 1 for the Magic
Belt). In Combat his Strength would be 8 since he can then use the Sword. He now
lands on the Cursed Glade where Strength from Objects and Magic Objects cannot
be counted, Thus while he is there his Strength is 6 (5 plus 1 for the Unicorn)
even in Combat.
Craft covers such things as intelligence, skill and magical ability. It is a
Character's main asset in Psychic Combat (17:1-2) and determines how many Spells
he may have. A Character's Craft is recorded by placing appropriate Craft
Counters (blue) beside the Character Card.
2:1 Craft Counters are only taken for the Character's Starting Craft and for
those gained during play. Craft gained from Magic Objects and Followers is not
recorded by Craft Counters but is added to the Character's Craft when required
or allowed.
2:2 When a Character is required to lose Craft, Counters are removed
2:3 A Character's Craft can never drop below that Character's Starting
2:4 Craft can only be gained as a result of Encounters.
2:5 A Character's Craft at any time is the total of Craft Counters
PLUS any Craft gained from any Followers and Magic Objects that may be
used at that time.
2:6 The number of Spells that any Character can have at any one time is
limited by the Character's Craft as Follows:
This limit may only be exceeded by a Character possessing the Wand.
2:7 All Characters may have Spells if their Craft is sufficient to permit
any. Only those Characters whose Special Ability allows them to start the game
with any Spells do so. Otherwise, Spells are usually acquired as the result of
2:8 If at any time a Character has more Spells than their Craft allows, the
surplus Spells must be immediately placed on the Spell Discard Pile. They cannot
be cast. The Character chooses which Spells to discard.
A Wizard with a Craft of 5 has Solomon's Crown ( A Magic Object which adds 2
to his Craft), so his Craft is 7. This allows him 3 Spells which he has
acquired. He now lands on the Cursed Glade where he cannot count Craft gained
from Magic Objects. His Craft drops to 5 while he is there. He is now only
allowed 2 Spells, so he must immediately discard one. As soon as he leaves the
Cursed Glade, ha can count the Craft for Solomon's Crown again and may have 3
Spells if he can acquire another.
Gold allows the Character to Purchase Objects and pay for services. A
Character's wealth is recorded by placing Bag of Gold Counters (yellow) beside
the Character Card. Each Counter represents 1 Bag of Gold. Gold will usually be
acquired as the result of Encounters.
3:1 Each Character starts the game with 1 Gold Counter.
3:2 All prices are given in Bags of Gold (G). Thus 3G is three Bag of Gold
3:3 Payments for ant purchases or services not made to another Character are
paid into the unused stock of Gold Counters.
3:4 Any Gold received from any source other than another player is taken from
the unused stock of Gold Counters.
3:5 Gold Counters do not count with regard to number of Objects a Character
may have (5:3).
Lives represent the Characters durability. Lives are lost through Combat,
Psychic Combat, and other dangers that may be Encountered. A Character's Lives
are recorded by placing appropriate Life Counter beside the Character Card.
4:1 Each Character starts the game with 4 Lives.
4:2 When a Character is required to lose Lives, Counters are removed
Losing All Lives
4:3 Any Characters that lose all their Lives are dead. The Playing Piece is
removed from the board. All the Character's Objects, Magic Objects, Followers
and Gold Counters are placed on the Space where the Character died. All the
Character's Strength and Craft Counters are replaced in stock. The Character's
Spell Cards are placed on the Spell discard pile. The Character Card is placed
with the unused Character Cards. The player whose Character has died starts
again next Turn with a new Character drawn at random from the unused Character
Cards IF, AND ONLY IF, no Character has yet reached the Crown of Command
during the game. If any Character has reached the Crown of Command, any player
whose Character dies is out of the game.
4:4 Lives are gained as the result of Encounters or Healing (4:6).
Lives gained are taken from stock.
4:5 There is no limit to the number of Lives a Character may have.
4:6 Healing can never restore a Character to more than 4 Lives.
Both Objects and Magic Objects are classed as Objects for the purposes
of these rules. During the game, Characters will usually acquire Objects as the
result of Encounters. Objects in a Character's possession are placed below the
Character Card.
5:1 All Objects in a Character's possession must be kept face up.
5:2 No Character may ever possess an Object that they are not permitted to
use. It must be left face up in the Space where it was Encountered.
The Assassin discovers the Holy Lance (a Magic Object) which can only be used
by Good or Neutral Characters. He cannot use it because he is of Evil Alignment.
He must leave it face up in the Space where he Encountered it.
5:3 No Character may possess more than 4 Objects, not counting Gold Counters
(3:5), unless they have a Mule.
5:4 A Character may ditch an Object at any time by leaving it face up in the
Space they occupy.
5:5 Any Character acquiring more than 4 Objects, must decide which to keep.
The remainder are immediately placed face up on the Space which they
The Wizard has a Mule and is using it to carry 10 Objects. He is Encountered
by the Thief who steals the Mule. The Wizard can now carry only 4 Objects and so
must immediately place 6 of the Objects in his possession face up on the Space.
The Thief may then claim them if possible (12:1).
During the game, Characters will usually acquire Followers as the result of
Encounters. All Followers accompanying a Character are kept below the Character
6:1 All Followers accompanying a Character must be kept face up.
6:2 All Followers accompanying a Character must be kept face up.
6:2 A Character may have any number of Followers.
6:3 Any Followers that are killed (eg in the Vampire or Chasm Spaces), or
that must be discarded, are placed on the Adventure Discard Pile.
6:4 A Character may ditch a Follower at any time by leaving it face up in the
Space they occupy.
Each Character has an Alignment, either Good, Neutral or Evil. There are
benefits and penalties for Good and Evil Alignments. Those of Neutral Alignment
gain none of the benefits but suffer none of the penalties. Alignment may change
during the game as the result of Encounters or by use of a Special
7:1 When a Character changes Alignment, an Alignment Change Card is taken and
placed beside the Character Card with the appropriate side up to show the
Character's new Alignment. When a Character reverts to their Alignment as stated
on the Character Card, the Alignment Change Card is discarded.
7:2 No Character, including the Druid, may change Alignment more than once in
any Turn.
7:3 If a Character possesses any Magic Objects not permitted by their new
Alignment, those Magic Objects must immediately be placed face up in the Space
they occupy (5:2).
Each Character has one or more Special Abilities which are detailed on the
Character Card along with any restrictions on that Character.
8:1 In any instances where the Special Abilities are at variance with the
rules, the Special Ability overrides the rules.
The effect of each Spell, and when it can be cast, is detailed on the
individual Spell Cards.
9:1 All Characters may have Spells if their Craft allows (2:6-8).
9:2 A Character's Spells are kept face down so that other players cannot see
9:3 Spells cannot be discarded unless the Character has more Spells than
their Craft permits (2:6-8).
9:4 Spells are usually gained as the result of Encounters. Some Characters
start with Spells as stated in their Special Ability.
9:5 Spells Gained are taken from the top of the Spell stock pile. When this
is exhausted, the discards are shuffled and placed face down to form a new stock
9:6 A Spell can only be cast as stated on the Spell Card. Once cast, and its
effect ended, it is placed on the Spell discard pile.
9:7 Spells which affect other players affect them wherever they are on the
board. Spells which can affect creatures, can only affect those in the Outer and
Middle Regions (14:4).
9:8 Any Character who is alone on the Crown of Command space (14:9) on
their Turn, must cast 1 Command Spell at all other Characters. To do so,
the caster rolls the die. A 1, 2 or 3 means that the spell had no effect. If a
4, 5 or 6 is rolled, however, each of the other Characters must either lose 1
Life or admit defeat and drop out of the game.
********RULES OF PLAY********
10:1 Each Character's Turn consists of two parts in this order:
I: Movement
II: Encounters
10:2 At the end of the player's Turn, play passes to the next player to the
11:1 The Character rolls the die to determine how many Spaces they
must Move. (Certain Spells, Special Abilities and other events may enable
a Character to Move without rolling the die. These instances are detailed on the
relevant Cards.) The Character must then Move the full count of the die roll
either clockwise or anticlockwise at their discretion.
11:2 Direction may not be reversed during the Move except when passing
between the Outer and Middle Regions (11:14).
11:3 The die is not rolled for movement. Characters can Move only 1 space per
11:4 The Encounter instructions on each Space must be completed before a
Character can Move on.
Turning Back
11:5 A Character may decide at any time to Move back towards the Plain of
Peril. Movement is still 1 Space per Turn but the instruction for Encounters are
ignored when retreating.
Crown of Command
11:6 The Crown of Command can only be reached from the Valley of Fire. The
Valley of Fire can only be entered by a Character possessing a Talisman. If a
Character does not have one, then they must turn back (11:5).
11:7 When on the Crown of Command, a Character does not Move but remains
there (14:9).
11:8 A bridge connects the Sentinel Space to the Hills Space opposite
11:9 The Storm River can be crossed by Raft (11:15-19) or as the result of an
Sentinel Space
11:10 Characters may cross the bridge in either direction if their die roll
for Movement is sufficient.
11:11 The Sentinel attacks a Character each time they attempt to cross
the bridge to enter the Middle Region. The Character must defeat the
Sentinel in Combat (16:1-4) or Evade (18:1-3) to be allowed to pass.
11:12 Character defeating or evading the Sentinel may continue their Move by
entering the Middle Region. Character defeated by the Sentinel lose 1 Life and
must end their Move in the Sentinel Space. Characters in a Stand-off with
the Sentinel do not Lose a Life but must end their Move in the Sentinel
11:13 The Sentinel does not attack Characters who pass through the Sentinel
Space while Moving in the Outer Region, Characters crossing from the
Middle Region to the Outer Region, and Characters who end their Move on
the Sentinel Space (unless they attempt to cross the bridge to the Middle region
on their next Move).
11:14 When passing from one Region to another, Characters may change the
direction of their Move on entering the new Region.
The Thief is on the Graveyard and rolls a 6 for his Move. He decides to Move
clockwise to the Sentinel Space to cross to the Middle Region. On reaching the
Sentinel Space he is attacked by the Sentinel. However, he casts an Immobility
Spell on the Sentinel, thus Evading him. He now Moves on to the Hills in the
Middle Region and decides to continue the Move anticlockwise in the Middle
Region, so ending his Move on the Portal of Power.
11:15 Any Character wishing to cross by Raft must either build one or acquire
one as the result of an Encounter.
11:16 Any Character in a Woods of Forest Space at the start of their Turn aho
has an Axe may then declare that they are building a Raft for use that Move
11:17 Any Character with a Raft may cross the river at the start of the Turn
following that in which they acquired it (11:18).
11:18 A Character with a Raft may cross the river to any Space of their
choice directly opposite the one they are in. This is their Move for that Turn.
They do not roll the die.
11:19 A Raft can never be left behind or taken as a possession. Whether or
not it is used, it must be placed on the Adventure discard pile, or back with
the Purchase Cards if it were bought.
11:20 The Portal of Power connects the Portal of Power Space to the Plain of
Peril Space.
The Portal of Power
11:21 The Inner Region can only be entered through the Portal of Power.
11:22 Characters must try to open Portal each time they attempt to
enter the Inner Region.
11:23 Character may attempt to open the Portal only if their Move is
sufficient to carry them beyond.
11:24 Characters attempting to open the Portal follow the instructions on the
Portal of Power Space. If successful, the Character's Turn ends on the
Plain of Peril. If unsuccessful, the Character's Move ends on the Portal
of Power Space.
11:25 A Character whose Move ends exactly on the Portal of Power Space may
not attempt to open it that Turn.
11:26 A Character wishing to pass through the Portal from the Inner
Region to the Middle Region does not need to open the Portal. They simply
Move from the Plain of Peril to the Portal Space. This is their Move for that
12:1 Any Stranger may be visited and any Gold Counters, Magic Objects,
Objects (5:3), and Followers in a Space may be taken by any Character whose Move
ends on that Space at any time up to the end of their Turn, EXCEPT
1: There is also an Enemy Card on the Space (13:5), OR
2: The instructions for the Space are to draw Cards (13:4).
In these two instances, the Cards form an Encounter for that Space.
The Minstrel lands on the Desert where there are 2 Gold Counters, the Maiden
(a Follower), a Water Bottle, a Sword (Objects), a Wand and a Talisman (Magic
Objects) which were deposited there by the Prophetess when she was turned into a
The Minstrel already has 3 Objects: Armour, an Axe and the Amulet (Magic
Object). He can freely claim the Gold Counters and the Maiden. Since he can only
carry 4 Objects (5:3), he must choose carefully what to take. The instructions
for the Desert are to lose 1 Life unless he has a Water Bottle, so the Water
Bottle could be useful, but only here. Since he started with, and still has, no
spells but has a sufficient Craft to allow him some, he takes the Wand first and
immediately draws a Spell Card from the Spell stock pile. It is a Preservation
Spell. A bit of good luck as now he needn't take the Water Bottle. He now
ditches the Amulet by placing it face up in the Desert Space and takes the
Talisman. He now has his four Objects: Armour, Axe, Wand and Talisman.
He must now follow the instructions on the Space which are to lose 1 Life,
but he casts the Preservation Spell to prevent this. He immediately draws a
replacement Spell because of the Wand and his Turn ends.
When he moves on the next Turn, the Sword, Water Bottle and the Amulet will
remain face up in the Desert for the next Character who lands there.
13:1 Characters can only have Encounters in the Space in which they end their
Move or a Space to which they are moved as a result of an Encounter, They may
never Encounter anything in the Space where they Start their Move.
13:2 A Character must choose to Encounter either one Character
of their choice who is in that Space or the Space itself.
13:3 Encountering another Character takes one of two forms. The Character
whose Turn it is may either attack (16:6-10) or use their Special Ability
on the other Character.
Draw Card(s) Spaces
13:4 A Character must follow the instructions. The Cards to be drawn
are always Adventure Cards. They are drawn from the Adventure stock pile. If
there are already any Cards of any type on the Space, then only enough Cards to
make up the given number may be drawn. The Adventure Cards then form the
Encounter for that Space (15:1-11).
All Other Spaces
13:5 The Character follows the instructions for the Space. Any Enemy Cards
(15:5-6) in the Space must be defeated (16:1-5,171-2) or Evaded (18:1-3). Any
Strangers there may then be visited and any Gold Counters, Magic Objects,
Objects (5:3) and Followers may be taken. Some instructions must be
followed others may be followed at the Character's discretion.
The Sorceress is on the Temple and rolls a 2. She may therefore Move to
either the Runes or the Oasis. However, there is already a Dragon face up on the
Runes where the instructions are to draw 1 Card so the Dragon will count as the
Card to be drawn. The Dragon has a Strength of 7 and it will also get +2 on its
Combat die roll because of the mystic Runes. It therefore has an effective
Strength of 9. Since her current Strength is 3, she will certainly lose a Life
there. On the Oasis is a Hex spell card cast by another Character. This will
also cause her to lose a Life, but since the instructions there are to draw 2
Cards, the Hex Spell will only count as one of them and she will have the
opportunity to draw 1 Adventure card to make up the total of 2 to be drawn. She
therefore Moves to the Oasis, loses a Life because of the Hex spell and takes an
Adventure Card. It turns out to be another Dragon which will attack her. Not her
lucky day at all!
14:1 A Character may only Encounter another Character on the Plain of Peril
and the Valley of Fire.
14:2 Encounters with other Characters are as in the Outer and Middle Regions
14:3 On all other Spaces, the Encounter is detailed in the instructions for
the Space. The instructions must be followed unless the Character is
retreating (11:5).
14:4 None of the Encountered Creatures in the Inner Region can be affected by
any Spell, nor may they be Evaded (18:3).
14:5 The Crypt is in ruins and a Character needs Strength to shift the rubble
to discover the various exit tunnels. A Character must roll the die 3 times on
entering the Space and the results totaled. The Character's Strength (1:6) is
subtracted from this total. The result determines where the Character will
emerge from the Crypt. The Playing Piece is immediately placed there. This
counts as their Move. Any Character that emerges on the Crypt itself may
move on next Turn.
14:6 Craft is needed to find the route through the labyrinthine Mines. The
instructions are as those for the Crypt (14:5) except that the Character's Craft
(2:5) is subtracted from the total of the die rolls.
14:7 The die is rolled for a Werewolf's Strength each time any Character
enters the Space. That is the Werewolf that attacks that Character. Each
Character encounters a different Werewolf.
14:8 The die is rolled each time any Character enters the Space. This is the
number of Pitfiends that attack that Character. The Character fights them one at
a time, in succession, until the Character loses a Life whereupon that Turn
ends. The Character must then continue to fight the remainder next Turn. The
Character can Move on the Turn following that in which the last of the
Character's allotted Pitfiends was killed.
14:9 If there is already a Character on the Crown of Command when a Character
lands on it, the Character there must be Encoutnered (13:3). Once two (or more)
Characters are on the Crown, those Characters' Turns consist only of
Encountering one of the others. A Character alone on the Crown of Command
must cast a Command Spell each Turn (9:8).
The information on each Adventure Card is as follows:
15:8 The instructions on the Card are followed.
5: Objects, Magic Objects, Followers:
15:9 These may be taken if permissible (5:2-3_ and all Enemies on the Space
have been defeated or Evaded.
6: Places
15:10 The instructions on the Card are followed.
15:11 Any Cards that remain after an Encounter must be left face up in the
The Dwarf lands on the Hidden Valley and is instructed to draw 3 Adventure
Cards. He draws the IMP (1: Event), a BEAR (2: Enemy), and a BAG OF GOLD (3:
Object). The Imp must be tackled first. The Dwarf rolls a 4. The Imp has
therefore Teleported the Dwarf to the Ruins before he has a chance to
fight the Bear and take the Gold. The Bear and Gold Cards are left face up in
the Hidden Valley and will constitute 2 of the 3 Cards for the next Character to
land there. The Dwarf, however, will continue his Turn with a new Encounter in
the Ruins.
16:1 Combat occurs when:
- A Character is attacked by an Enemy - Monster, Dragon, or Animal (15:5),
or by any creature whose Strength is given.
- A Character decides to attack another Character unless their Special
Ability allows them to attack by Psychic Combat (17:1-2).
16:2 The Character first declares whether he is Evading or not (18:1-3). If
not then Combat takes place.
16:3 Any Spells that the player wishes to cast must be cast before the die is
16:4 The Character rolls 1 die. The Character's Combat Score is the die roll
plus the Character's Strength (1:6 -- only 1 Weapon may be used). Another player
now rolls a die for the Creature and adds this to the creature's Strength. This
is the creature's Combat Score. If the Character's Score was higher, the
creature is killed (15:7, 1:4). If the creature's Score was higher, the
Character loses 1 Life (use of an Object or Spell may prevent this) and the
Character's Turn ends. If the Scores were equal the result is a Stand-off
More than One Enemy
16:5 If there is more than one Enemy that attacks by Strength, they fight as
one creature adding their Strength together and adding one die roll for their
Combat Score.
16:6 The Character being attacked first has the opportunity to Evade
(18:1-2). If they do not, then Combat takes place.
16:7 Both Character's have the opportunity to cast any Spells before the die
can be rolled.
16:8 The attacking Character's Combat Score is determined sa in 16:4. The
defender does the same. The Character with the higher Combat Score wins the
Combat. If the Scores are equal, the result is a Stand-Off (16:10).
16:9 The victor may now either force the loser to lose 1 Life (this may be
saved by the use of an Object or Spell) or take one (Magic) Object or Bag of
Gold Counter from the loser to add to their own, That Turn then ends.
16:10 In a Stand-Off, neither side is harmed and that Turn ends.
17:1 Psychic Combat occurs whenever:
- A Character is attacked by an Enemy - Spirit (15:6) or another creature
whose Craft is given.
- A Character whose Special Ability permits it, attacks another Character
by Psychic Combat.
17:2 Psychic Combat is resolved in exactly the same manner as Combat
(16:2-10), except:
- Craft is substituted for Strength.
- No Object can prevent the loss of a Life.
18:1 A Character may, by using a Special Ability or an Immobility or
Invisibility Spell, Evade an unfriendly creature or Character. The
Evading Character cannot then affect or be affected by them in any way. With the
exception of the Immobility Spell, all creatures on the Evading Character's
Space may be Evaded.
18:2 Creatures that may be Evaded are:
- Anything in the Outer or Middle Regions that attacks a Character.
- Any Character attempting to attack or use a Special Ability.
- Any creature depicted on an Adventure Card that the Character does not
wish to Encounter, for example the Hag, Imp or Witch.
18:3 Only other Character can be Evaded in the Inner Region.
19:1 When a Character is turned into a Toad for three Turns, a Toad Card is
substituted for the Character's Playing Piece on the board. The Character
reverts back at the end of their third Turn.
19:2 Toads cannot have Objects, Magic Objects, Gold or Followers. Any in the
Character's possession must immediately be placed face up in the Space where the
transformation occurred.
19:3 Toads have a Strength of 1 and a Craft of 1; but the original Character
retains all Strength and Craft Counter for when they change back. All Strength
and Craft gained and lost while a Toad affects the Toad's Strength and Craft
only, not the original Character's.
19:4 A Toad does not roll the die for Movement, but must Move one Space per
19:5 Toads can neither gain nor cast Spells. The original Character retains
all the Spells they had for when they revert to normal.
19:6 The Toad's Lives are those of the original Character. Thus any Lives
lost or gained by the Toad affect those of the original Character.
19:7 Toads must Encounter on a Space as would any other Character.
19:8 The Toad has no Special Abilities. Those of the original Character
cannot be used while the Character is a Toad.
20:1 Whenever a Character is given or purchases one of these Objects, the
appropriate Purchase or Talisman Card should be taken.
20:2 They are in all aspects as Adventure Card Objects, and Magic Objects,
except that instead of being placed on a discard pile, they are replaced in
their appropriate pile and are again available. Should there be no Purchase or
Talisman Cards left of a particular Object, then that Object is not available at
that time.
20:3 Purchase and Talisman Cards can be left face up in a Space on the board
as are other Objects.
******** WINNING ********
21:1 The Winner is the last Character left in the game.